Monday 25 January 2010

Individual analysis of an opening sequence of a similar media text

For the next task we need to analyse an opening of a Film-noir, i chosen to analyse the opening sequence of 'Se7en'.
This is the link to the sequence that i analysed from the start of the opening until 4 minutes and 9 seconds.

As the scene opens we see that a smart man is getting ready in his home, as the camera follows him we see him tie his tie through a mirror shot, which is a typical component of a typical film noir. As Somerset continues to get dressed, the audience is given small details about his character such as his smartness and tidiness by the way the objects he needs to take to work are neatly lined up, and due to how he picks fluff off his suit jacket before putting it on. There is ambient noise from the street, including traffic noise which is suggestive that this film is set in an urban area such as a city, which is reflective of the complexity of the film's story line.
The scene then cuts to a dimly lit room where the camera tilts from the bottom of the dead body upwards to reveal the full body on the floor. A detective describes how the murder happened asynchronously as the camera does not focus on him while he speaks which could represent how the theory
he has thought of is unimportant to Somerset, due to the way he questions where the child was, while the other
detectives seem to be uninterested in this. This could mirror how Somerset could easily be associated with a typical
film noir hero, whereas the other police seem morally questionable.
The new detective; Mills enters the scene looking vulnerable and lost, he also contrasts with Somerset as he is
wearing a leather jacket and a casually tied tie, whereas Somerset is wearing a hat and a smartly pressed suit.
The camera tracks the two characters outside, the setting is a dismal street with bins and rubbish bags visible, it is
also raining which correlates with typical icons in a classical film noir, other classic film noir characteristics present are the
dim lighting, even though the time is outside in the day,the theme remains to be pessimistic and hopeless.
Somerset suggests going to a bar for a drink which is a typical label of a crime detective, however Mills declines
this invitation which suggests that he also cares about the truth in crimes.
The scene then finally cuts to Somerset sitting in his bed at home, the scene uses low key lighting as the frame zooms
into his face to reveal his exposed emotions, as the ticking pendulum in his room ticks to iconise suspense.
The frame then cuts to the films opening credits.

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