Friday 29 January 2010

Film Noir Target audience research

Film Noir Target Audience Research

Most classical film noirs dated between 1940’s and late 1950’s are rated between a PG and ages 12, whereas modern day film-noirs are mostly rated between 12 and 18.

A film that is rated 12 is allowed no strong references to drugs, discrimination or gory violence is allowed. A small amount of horror, dangerous behaviour, strong language, nudity, sex and mature violent themes are allowed, as long as they are not glamorised or do not act influential on the audience.

A film that is rated 15 is allowed discriminating behaviour if it does not endorse discriminating behaviour or language. Drugs and dangerous behaviour is acceptable, however easily accessible objects cannot be glamorised. Strong language, nudity, sex, these and violence are accepted if the storyline does not dwell around these topics strongly.

A 18 rated film is the highest general film rating, therefore most topics and storylines are acceptable at this rating.

For our film-noir project we have decided to create a rated 15 film, as most characteristics of a film are accepted. Furthermore our opening sequence project will not have a strong reference to any topics which could change the rating to an 18.

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